Thursday, October 9, 2008

#9 Basically prostitutes who can barely sing (cast)

After a brief delay, caused entirely by forces beyond their control, Dan and Tyler present you with what they like to call "podcast nine." Topics discussed include; Dan loving Beck but hating concerts, rocking the vote, David Duchovny's successes and failures (all of them sexy) and Tyler lords his T-shirts over Dan like some Pope of T-shirts.

Download for future enjoyment(yay!)


Gorrozolla said...

Mmmm, yeah, you know how daddy likes it. I can`t help it if I can only fall asleep while being soothed by the sound of Dan`s and Tyler`s deep vibrato banter.

Bill said...

Without Dan and Tyler I would have killed myself(and by that I mean someone else) at work from terrible boredom. Keep on trucking boys.

vrock said...

Thanks for the podcast men, and here are my thoughts:
-that song that references D&D was from the blue album
-my smart can totally take on the highway Tyler. While it cannot physically go faster than 130, I can happily keep up with traffic
-You do too eat chips Dan, corn chips and salsa are still chips, and as we pointed out in the snack aisle once,they are just as bad as potato chips. Don't turn your nose up at those who enjoy chips
-the speed on the highway says "maximum" but you can't take that literally. It really means "go at least___km/h" as my driving instructer told me
-love the boob rating of californication. I like to know how much boob to expect before I waste my time watching anything